One of the most complete surviving collections of Civil War artifacts belonging to an individual Mississippi soldier is the T. Otis Baker Collection at the Mississippi Department of Archives and History. If the member states are willing to granted right of permanent residence to EU-Nationals and their Family members based on any right of residence which pre-dated the implementation period of the directive, then to argue that because the Directive was implemented on the 29th April, 2006 as a result, does not recognize right of residence which pre-dated its implementation is a legal wrong.
For an example of tribal court job announcements, see the Navajo Nation Judicial Branch human resources site here and the St. Regis Mohawk Tribal Court law clerk announcement here In addition, Turtle Talk periodically posts tribal court clerkship opportunities.
I am dissatisfied in circumstances where an EU-National who have resided in a member state legally for five years, return to his country of origin and spent 10 months from February, 2005 to December 2005 and then returned to the host member state and applied for Income support in June 2006 but was told that because he has not acquired a right of permanent residence, he is not entitled to support.
With the support and guidance of a longstanding coalition of anti-ICWA activists, the plantiffs in Brackeen want to remove ICWA’s provisions that protect against removing Native children from their parents and culture, leaving unfettered access to Native children.
Mr Gray, the Council employee employed as Assistant Manager of Engineering, gave evidence that the scale of the task of identifying and removing trees at risk of falling, was well beyond the resources of a small council like Dungog and that even if a slow rate there wouldn’t have been the staffing resources or experience to do that sort of task”.