As students living in the United States, we condemn in the strongest possible terms the recent escalation in US military aggression across the Middle East and the rest of the world. We challenge Harvard Law School to be not merely a school of law, but also a school of justice. On November 19, 2008, Elena Kagan presented the Harvard Law School Medal of Freedom to Iftikhar Chaudhry, the controversial Chief Justice of Pakistan. Yet, three years later, Obama used a different Social Security number for an address listed as: 713 Hart Senate Office Building.
Using Intelius, Lexis Nexis, Choice Point and other public records, Sankey found around 25 Social Security numbers connected with Obama’s name. By not accepting the debate challenge in North Carolina, Barack Obama has shown the lack of a fundamental ability to lead and inspire.
Law students and lawyers can still take direct action through, among other things, pro bono work. 1971 – Harvard Law School first African American male tenured professor appointed. This demand encourages students to report on professors’ adherence to principles of political correctness.
Yes, Tribe is the worst example of a law school professor today. All told, there are 49 addresses and 16 different Social Security numbers listed for a person whose name is spelled Barack Obama.” In some cases, the middle initial H” is listed. Only after requests for transparency from Reclaim Harvard Law did the administration issue another statement acknowledging the second recorder and the multiple Velcro discoveries late last night.
Barack Obama, as a graduate of Harvard Law School and Editor of the Harvard Law Review, is supposed to be the cream of the cream of the crop. Florida has two addresses listed for his him, three if you count one listed as Barry Obama.” One is connected to a Social Security number beginning with 762.