Turtle Talk
Public” means corporate government. Instead, because of their bankruptcy (Corporate U.S. Bankruptcy) this particular U.S. corporation has enslaved the States and the people by deception and at the will of their foreign bankers with whom they have been doing business.
Plaintiff moved the court to set a case management conference on August 12, 2011 pursuant to Rule 16 and provided the instructions to set a hearing as required. On August 3, 2011, he also gave notice of his intent to set a hearing of the default motion and mailed the hearing setting instructions along with copies of the default motion and affidavit to the Customer as required.
Paragraph 502 identified the largest mass distribution at that time to enlist a government investigation of PSI’s child support enforcement practices. I saw several of the PSI attorneys in court yesterday and heard some more interesting cases regarding CS. Three guys were brought in from the EL Paso Criminal Justice Center for contempt – not able to pay child support.
The corporate government is the corporate capital of the corporate state. The Florida Service Animal Law provides additional penalties against persons who interfere with a person with a service animal, and also against those that misrepresent the need for having a service dog.
In preparation for the hearing, Mr. Johnson filed a brief and obtained subpoenas for State Child Support Enforcement Division employees, County Department of Human Services employees, and Young Williams employees Jonica Brunner and Melissa Balquin (former PSI employees).…
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