The use of e-procurement technologies in some firms has resulted in reduced prices for goods and services, shortened order-processing and fulfillment cycles, reduced administrative burdens and costs, improved control over off-contract spending, and better inventory control.
The Conference of Chief Justices, Conference of State Court Administrators, the National Associations of Attorney Generals, Secretaries of State and State Auditors, State Purchasing Offices, Lieutenant Governors, and State Legislators, and the Governors of the 50 states comprise the membership of the Council of State Governments.
With ever more demanding and less loyal customer, global sourcing to low cost countries, lessening profit margins and shortening of product life cycles, firms across the world have taken cost reduction in a big way to stay competitive and at the same time maintain the expected service level to the customers.
This part of the contract should also provide that you will not indemnify Buyer, and the Buyer will indemnify you, if the claimed infringement is a result of (a) the buyer’s detailed specifications, (b) parts supplied or designated by Buyer, (c) modification of the goods, by someone other than your business, or (d) combination of your business’ products with other products, the combination of which is alleged to be infringing.
Whether it is the money spent on goods or services for direct inputs (raw goods and materials used in the manufacture of products), indirect material (office supplies and other expenses that do not go into a finished product), or services (temporary and contract labor, print services, etc.), a company needs a mechanism by which they are not only able to save money but control costs.