U.S. Supreme Court
PRESTONSBURG – AppalReD Legal Aid has announced the launch of Volunteer Lawyers for Veterans, a program that encourages Kentucky lawyers to volunteer their time and skill to help our state’s low income veterans resolve legal civil problems in the areas of consumer law, family law, government benefits, and housing.
An aggrieved party in a divorce petition may seek permanent alimony and maintenance from the other party while filing a petition for divorce and if convinced, the court may grant gross sum on monthly or periodical basis for a term not exceeding the life of the applicant.
In case the Court is satisfied on the evidence that the case of the petitioner has been proved and does not find that the petitioner has been in any manner accessory to, or conniving at, the going through of the said form of marriage, or the adultery of the other party to the marriage, or has condoned the adultery complained of.
While Hindus who live in India have recourse to the Marriage Act and similar legislation passed in the aftermath of India’s independence, those living in other parts of the world may have to deal with their divorce issues through local courts, according to the laws prevailing in their countries.
Suit for Dissolution: According to the Section 31, if a husband or wife shall have been continually absent from his or her wife or husband for the space of seven years, and shall not have been heard of as being alive within that time …
U.S. Supreme Court Read More